Vertipools™ are vertical artificial rock pools that offer a simple and versatile solution for creating new wildlife habitats and delivering net ecological gains on defended coasts and harbours across the urban marine environment. We are the inventors & manufacturers of two Vertipool systems and they can be ordered directly from our sales team their dedicated product page.
The Vertipool™ system is a beautiful and innovative modular design that fits any hard-engineered marine infrastructure; it has been used successfully on sea walls, timber groynes, concrete beams, gabions and sheet piling. The units fit with conservation objectives for SAC, SPA, Ramsar, MCZ and SSSI and provide an effective adaptation to the challenge of sea-level rise. They are cast in high-performance reduced carbon concrete and then hand-finished to provide the surface complexity and ecological design to suit the host environment. This innovative solution delivers significant ecological enhancement to sea defences, ports, marinas and harbours and is a cost-effective way to boost biodiversity and build ecological interest.
Currently, we have two Vertipool™ designs ready to go and one more in the prototyping phase currently.
Early concept visual of the Blyth array
Director Nigel to scale with Sandown Vertipools ready for delivery
Sandown Vertipools installed in Blyth Pier array
Vertipools™ have been evaluated by Bournemouth University through the work of Dr Alice Hall on the ecology, and ecological enhancement, of artificial coastal structures. We continue to work on new designs and models for biologically favourable built environments and nature-based solutions to coastal squeeze. Vertipools are currently at the centre of two European ecoengineering studies - 1) Ecostructure and 2) MARINEFF. paper Shelving the Coast With Vertipools: Retrofitting Artificial Rock Pools on Coastal Structures as Mitigation for Coastal Squeeze by Alice E. Hall 1*, Roger J. H. Herbert 1, J. Robert Britton 1, Ian M. Boyd 2 and Nigel C. George 2
A short film about Vertipools by Ches George.
BBC Countryfile visiting Artecology to learn about Vertipools.
Shaping Better Places with Vertipools. Short film by Natural History filmmaker Kriss Ceuca.